To create a product all mandatory information is marked with an asterisk and must be completed. The user will work their way through tabs at the top of the page, using the 'previous' and 'next' buttons. Users will be able to move between tabs to amend any information as they create a product.
The information below provides an overview of how to create a new product. To access the API for products, please click here.
In Ziqni a product can be created in a few simple steps.
From the dashboard page, scroll to Products and click.
If no data has previously been entered, when you click on products, you will be taken to the page below.
- Click on Action and the Create page will load.
- Name the product for example - Fruits
- Group the product using tags. Tags can be selected from options that have been created by typing directly in the field. Multiple tags can be selected.
- Create a product reference id. This is a mandatory field and is case-sensitive. Once created it is not possible to edit this ID.
- Apply an adjustment factor. An adjustment factor is a numerical value that will impact the points calculated and the display on the leaderboard. The purpose is to ensure members cannot understand the points strategy. An adjustment factor can only be edited if the product is not used in a competition.
- Describe the product briefly. This is for reference only.
- Action adjustment is when there are different actions in a variety of products and these have different values. If the user would like certain action types to have a specific adjustment factor, it will need to be added. For example, if all win events are multiplied by 2, therefore the selected action will be WIN and the adjustment factor will be 2. Action adjustment factors override the initial adjustment factor.
- Add metadata to describe and extend the product, using a pair of values and keys.
- Once all information has been entered, click next.
The languages are pre-set and must already be added in the language settings. If these have not been added, translation will not function.
If additional languages are required, go to Settings → Languages and add a new language.
- Select the language the fields are to be translated into.
- The text that can be translated is automatically pre-populated. The user must write the translation into the translation box.
- Once all fields have been translated the language name will have a green check to show it has been successfully translated. Another language can then be chosen if required.
- If the translation has not been successful (something has been left out) the language will have a pink exclamation mark to let the user know there is an error/ missing information.
- Click next once all translations have been completed.
This page summarises the information that has been entered.
- Use the arrow icon to open each section to preview the summary.
- If any edits are required, this can be done by moving between the tabs. All information can be edited at this stage. Once the reward is created, specific information will be locked and will no longer be able to be edited.
- When all information is correct, click on Finish and the Reward has been created.
- A preview page will now load, from this page, information can be edited or deleted using the Action button.
- Once the edit page opens, only information with a white background will be editable.
- From the Preview page, events associated with the product can be viewed.
- Click on events in the top right hand corner, a list of events will appear linked to the product.
- If there are no linked events, the message below will appear.
- From the Preview page, action types associated with product can be viewed.
- Click on action types in the right hand corner, a list of action types linked to that product will appear.
- If there are no linked action types, the message below will appear.