A member can be created in a few simple steps.
The information below provides an overview of how to create a new member. To access the API for members, please click here.
- From the dashboard page, scroll to members and click.
This will load the search/ create page. From here the following action can be performed.
- Click create to create a new member.
If no data has previously been entered, when you click on members, the page below will load.
Click on Action, Create a member, the create page will then load.
- Name the member.
- Create a unique reference ID. There will be no duplicate reference IDs, however, the IDs are case sensitive.
- Use the drop-down menu to choose Member type, this can only be individual.
- Group the Members using tags. Tags can be selected from options that have been created by typing directly into the field. Multiple tags can be selected.
- Include the time zone that the member uses.
- Add metadata which allows additional information to describe and extend the member data with a key and value pair.
- Once all information has been entered, click create.
- A preview screen will load summarising the information that has been entered.
- From this page, the information can be edited or deleted using the Action button.
- From the preview page, the user can also click on Events or Awards in the top left-hand corner. This will show any events or awards linked to that specific member.
- Initially, it will appear with a No items message. This will disappear as soon as the member is linked to an event or an award.