Webhooks are ways that web applications can communicate with each other. Webhooks enable the user  to send real-time data from one application to another whenever a specific event occurs (triggers). Data about the event is sent to the webhook URL. This is also referred to as the payload. 

An example of this would be when a purchase is made and the bank sends a notification to your phone informing you of the purchase, the amount, and where the money was spent.

The information below provides an overview of how to create a web hook. To access the API for web hooks, please click here

You can create a webhook in the ZIQNI system in a few simple steps.

  • From the dashboard page, scroll to Settings and click.

  • Using the left-hand side menu, click on Webhooks.

This will load the search/ create page. From here the following actions can be performed.

  • If there is data that can be searched for, the screen below will appear. Search for a webhook that has been created and saved previously.  Webhooks can be searched by using keywords and phrases.

This page also allows the user to filter the fields being displayed and view or edit the data that has been entered. 

  • Click on the funnel icon. This allows the data to be searched using only the specific fields that are chosen.

To filter data using specific headings the cog icon is used. 

  • Click on the cog icon to filter the data that is being displayed.
  • Uncheck the boxes to filter the data that is being displayed.

All previously created data can be viewed, edited, and deleted. 

  • Under the Action heading for each set of data entered, there is an ellipsis.
  • Click on the ellipsis and the Action menu will appear.
  • View, edit or delete the data that has been checked.

If no data has previously been entered, the page below will load.

  • Click on Action and the Create page will load.

  •  Create a name for the webhook.
  • Group the webhook using specific tags. Multiple tags can be used for a webhook.
  • Insert the URL that the webhook will post to once triggered.
  • Select the triggers from the drop-down menu that will define the webhook.
  • Describe the webhook. This is for reference only and is restricted to 500 characters.
  • Add a header to the webhook. The purpose of a header is to provide the destination receiving the application the choice to authenticate or reject the webhook request. To create a header you need to include a key-value pair this data is added to the webhook.
  • Include the metadata information. This is also submitted in the form of a key -value pair and allows additional information to be added to the header.
  • Click on create once all information is entered.
  • A preview page will load summarising the information that has been entered.
  • From this page, information can be edited or deleted using the Action button.